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San Diego, CA – Vitality Tap Juice Bar: Organic Juices & Nutritional Supplements

Reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system are just some of the benefits from frequent juicing of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.

Practically all fruits and vegetables can be juiced, such as beets, kale, cucumber, spinach, carrots, pineapple, apples, oranges and more.  But are there benefits to drinking the juice of these items instead of eating them whole?  The short answer is YES!  While it’s true that the fiber from these fruits and vegetables is removed in the juicing process, it’s also true that the amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals is substantially higher than the amount that could be obtained by eating the whole fruit.

The most common reasons that we hear as to why our customers juice regularly, is to reduce systemic inflammation.  It’s practically impossible to remove all inflammatory foods and habits from our diets such as gluten, processed meats, soybean and vegetable oils, and too many carbohydrates just to name a few.  Juices have the ability to flush toxins from our bodies and offset the damaging effects of the inflammatory response.

Juices are super rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that can give the immune system a boost and help us to feel more energetic.  Fresh organic juices also contain healthy enzymes that improve digestion and assist in proper elimination of waste and byproducts.

Stop by and see us for a nutritious organic juice at Vitality Tap & SD Discount Nutrition in Downtown San Diego, and one of our certified nutritionists will be happy to assist you.


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